Actions are necessary while there’s life.
Your actions will be wise when your inner state is positive and your mind is calm.
Other fragments:
• How to understand that you are doing real spiritual progress?
• Is there a connection between inner peace and money?
The amount of money is not a parameter to determine peace and joy.
The one who has money can have many material things: a house, a car, something else. But do not think that those who have material well-being are always fine. This is a misconception. Often this is thoughts of those who do not have great material achievements.
Sometimes one who does not have much money has much more peaceful mind and is more joyful.Fragment from satsang 09/06/2018.
Other fragments:
• How to understand that you are doing real spiritual progress?
• Actions are necessary while there’s life!
How to understand that you are doing real spiritual progress?
When a person is always joyful, his mind is calm, nothing can change his inner state- this is real spiritual progress.
Other fragments:
• Is there a connection between inner peace and money?
• Actions are necessary while there’s life!
Who has joy? – No one!
Because everyone is attached to something (or someone), everyone needs something, every one want something … Different ashakti, the attachments of a person is bounding him.
If a person get what he wants- he is happy, if it doesn’t work like he wish- he will suffer. All life is wasted on that.
But the humans received life not for that. We have received the body in order to know ourselves – who am I really – to know our Atma (soul), our power inside.
Themes covered in Satsang:
• Why Some People are More Successful than Others.
• Two Forces of the Universe.
• One Habit that Can Change Your Life.
• Two Types of Friendship.
• The Difference Between the Power of God and the Power of Karma.
• Two Easy Tips to Change Your Life for the Better.
All our past karma, which is our thoughts, actions and words, are stored in the universe in the form of vibration, in the form of sound, or you can say words.
Whenever you say the name of God, the pure vibration of the name of God influences the past karma which is again a vibration, a sound and changes the structure of this vibration into more pure and positive vibration. The pure vibration of the sound that you recite cleans impure vibration stored in the universe
If everything is 100% decided, then how to make things in life better? How to turn negative into positive?
Karma rules our lives. If a person doesn’t work on himself or doesn’t perform spiritual practices then karma remains the same. But in the context of the law of karma is there something that can decrease the negative accumulations and make our life a bit more brighter.
There are few things which if practised can reduce karmic accumulations.