What is the most important thing in a human beings life? How can a person choose his spiritual path?
It is vital for a human being to always remember to keep to his humaneness. Respect, love and understanding towards each other is the basis of humanity. When it comes to the private life is an individual person, it is important to think about one’s spiritual progress.
One must try to not forget about this while living in the material world. Spirituality does not entail leaving everything. A spiritual person in any field, whether a doctor, engineer or a businessman, can make everything around him more beautiful and beneficial for others.We are all inherently spiritual. Compassion and love is hidden dormant within everyone, just waiting to be awakened. A spiritual path helps us to reach our destination safely, without being lost. Now, one can choose a spiritual path on his own, so that he can stay satisfied for the rest of his life.
Different religions are just various paths towards the same goal. In actuality, the path appears to be a path only from the outside. The power of God is always within us. Our soul is a particle of that energy. The main purpose of our life is to unify with this light within us – become One.
If a person does not experience that he gets entrapped in the cycle of birth and death. Once having chosen the path, one must try not to deter from it and never lose faith. All paths lead us to the realization of our true self – atmagyan.